The 362nd Fighter Group
On the prowl over Germany

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This is an updated edition of the documentary that I produced on the 362nd Fighter Group some years ago. I've added sound effects from real P-47s & .50 cal machine guns, tightened up the edit & added some new info.
I created this original documentary on the 362nd Fighter Group from unedited archival footage that I digitally restored. IMHO, its some of the most exciting P-47 Thunderbolt action to come out of World War 2! Wherever possible, I Identified the pilots, locations and aircraft.

See what the digital image restoration of this film looks like here:

Exclusive Production! Select 362nd Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolt fighter/bombers were specially equipped with extra color movie cameras to capture thrilling ground and air attacks as they happened. These squadrons were tasked with striking targets inside Germany as the war against the Third Reich entered it's final act in Spring, 1945. The result is unique "from the cockpit" views putting you in the middle of attacks on tanks, airfields, trucks, rail yards, bridges, trains, fighters, and more. You'll even see antiaircraft fire arcing up from the ground, bursting around the big Thunderbolts as they make their low level strikes. You'll meet 362nd CO Col. Joe Laughlin and the pilots and crews of the 377th, 378th and 379th Fighter Squadrons and their aircraft in living color.

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