The Fight For The Sky
Allied fighters win air superiority over Europe
Restored & remastered from a new archival copy
In February of 1944, General Jimmy Doolittle "turned loose" his fighters to go after the Luftwaffe where they lived. This marked a radical change in strategy from the disastrous tactics of 1943 that kept escorting fighters chained to bombers. Now, US fighters, including the P-51, probed deep into Germany, catching the opposition on the ground, inflicting mortal damage. This feature combines thrilling combat footage filmed by 8th Air Force combat cameramen with some of the most action packed, down and dirty World War II gun camera film you'll ever see.
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A P-47 thunderboly attacks a FLAK tower-
Own your own full screen copy of
"The Fight for the Sky "
On our P-51 DVD
Also including
* Flight Characteristics of the P-51
* 354 Fighter Group Color Scrapbooks New
* A Day with the A-36s
* Luftwaffe Finis New
* Air attacks Against Italy
* A 112 page P-51 pilot's manual-
Bomber DVD collection